London | Cardiff | Oxford | Abercynon | Wales | UK |
Meeting & Board Room Hire
If you are a UK Business address, Mail forwarding, Mail collection, Virtual office or Business address customer we can offer hire of our Board Room or Meeting Rooms. Please email for availability information.
Our facilities are also disabled accessible with facilities, should any of your clients need addition facilities e.g. a wheelchair user.
Facilities include:
Conference / Training room
Per day £100.00
Per half day £50.00
Board room
Per day £ 70.00
Per half day £ 40.00
IT Training room
(fully equipped for 6 people with hardware/software)
Per day £190.00
Refreshments Tea / Coffee & Biscuits
Per head / Per serving £1.00 (please check for price changes)
Refreshments Jug (tap) Water
Per head / Per serving: Free
You are welcome to bring your own bottled water
Video Conferencing
Board Room hire only, add to room charge
Per hour £ 50.00
Interview / Meeting rooms
Per hour £10.00
O.H.P and Screen
Add to room charge
Per day £15.00
Per half day £15.00
Power Projection
(With Laptop, if required) - Add to Room Charge
Per day £15.00
Per half day £15.00
Per A4 sheet £0.12p
Per A3 sheet £0.17p
The above prices / costs are subject to price changes – please telephone to confirm costs for time of booking or email for attachments of costs.
PLEASE NOTE: If any event runs on beyond 5:00pm there will be a £15.00 per hour surcharge on costs to cover the cost of a staff member ensuring that the building remains secure during and after the event.